Avion Medical Skin Centres

Avion Medical

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Purpose-built facility

A purpose-built skin cancer facility with the latest technology.

Expert care

Our highly trained skin cancer doctors deliver expert care.

Personalised treatment for non-melanoma skin cancer

Avion Medical Skin Centres offer all the latest diagnostics and treatment options for patients with Skin Cancer. We provide expert skin cancer diagnosis and treatment. We are the only accredited centre in Victoria offering the non-invasive treatment for non melanoma skin cancer, Rhenium-SCT.

Skin cancer services

Skin lesion examination/Skin Cancer screening

You can book an appointment to see one our skin cancer doctors to assess and diagnose specific lesions.

Full body skin check

If you are a sun loving person or having a strong personal or family history of skin cancer, it would be suggested to get your full skin check once yearly. It usually takes 30 minutes and will cost about $250 out of pocket for Medicare card holders.

Skin Cancer treatments

Avion Medical Skin Centres is the leading treatment centre in Australia, for skin cancer. AMSC is the only centre in Victoria accredited to provide Rhenium-SCT non invasive skin cancer treatment.